
Explore insights, lessons, and resources from our work

Democracy Fund staff — alongside grantees, researchers, and other field experts — regularly develops resources and shares lessons on strengthening democracy. Here you will find guides, reports, and insights from our team and network.

    [0] => facet
    [1] => idea_types
    [0] => facet
    [1] => focus_areas
    [0] => facet
    [1] => idea_topics
    [0] => facet
    [1] => idea_authors
    [0] => template
    [1] => ideas_template
The nonprofit organizations working tirelessly to ensure our elections remain free, fair, and representative are the unsung heroes of our democracy. Whether they are fighting…
Democracy Fund’s Digital Democracy Portfolio (DDP) and its grantees have been radically reimagining platform accountability and media policy through strategies at the intersection of reparation…
The Digital Equity and Opportunity Initiative’s mission is to jumpstart the building of a lasting civic infrastructure. DEOI will provide core funding support to state…
Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036