Just and Inclusive Society
Achieving an Inclusive, Multiracial Democracy
In the coming years, significant demographic shifts within the United States will likely spark more attacks on marginalized communities. Migrant and refugee communities have the right to an inclusive society, and they deserve to use their power to lead an intersectional social movement to protect this right.
Movements Guided by Migrants and Refugees
There are many threats facing our country and world. Rising sea levels, skyrocketing temperatures, catastrophic weather events, expanding political crises, and ongoing racist attacks are all intertwined, and the growth of one often causes the growth of the others.
As a result, people in the United States and abroad — especially communities of color — are forced to relocate. Population shifts driven by climate and political crises will only increase, and the time to prepare is now.
Democracy Fund believes that strengthening and expanding the movement led by leaders of color for an inclusive, multiracial democracy will create space for migrant and refugee communities to thrive.
Our Approach
Just and Inclusive Society strategies seek to create the conditions for migrant and refugee communities to build and lead a social movement that addresses global threats.
Power Building in Marginalized Communities
White nationalism and its impact on migrants’ and refugees’ lives is one of the greatest threats to our democracy. To address this, we elevate intersectional movements led by refugees, migrants, and communities of color.
We invest in organizations and leaders to:
- Elevate stories and shift narratives around migration and refugeehood
- Build a shared strategy and solidarity across movements, communities, and geographies
- Build power in systemically oppressed migrant and refugee communities

Other Areas of Focus
Democracy Fund strengthens and defends democracy through four core programs.
Elections and Voting
Since its founding, the American voting system has intentionally made it difficult for marginalized communities to equitably participate. The Elections and Voting program works with community organizations and leaders to build a voting system that is fair, trustworthy, and inclusive, with racial justice at the center.
Learn more about this workGovernance
American democracy is under threat, and we must protect it, or the harm will be irreparable and generational. The Governance program aims to stop the spread of authoritarianism and government abuses by strengthening infrastructure at the local, state, and federal levels.
Learn more about this workPublic Square
Reliable information is getting harder to find, leading to less informed voters and greater threats to democracy. To increase civic participation, the Public Square program invests in those who work to ensure communities have access to the information they need, online and offline.
Learn more about this work