
Grants Database

Democracy Fund champions the leaders and organizations who defend democracy and challenge it to be more open and just. We are proud to have supported more than 200 organizations doing this work.

    [0] => facet
    [1] => grants_search
    [0] => facet
    [1] => program_areas
    [0] => facet
    [1] => grant_status
    [0] => template
    [1] => grants_template
  • 131 & Counting
  • $15,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2021

To support 131 & Counting’s work to increase the number of women in Congress and public policy positions through educational and social forums that build a bipartisan network of women leaders.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Civic Participation, Government

Grant Length:

July 2021 to June 2022


Constructive Politics
  • Accountable.US
  • $350,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2023

Accountable.US (A.US) is a nonpartisan, 501(c)3 organization that shines a light on special interests that too often wield unchecked power and influence in Washington and beyond. They conduct in-depth investigations to expose conflicts of interest and then share their findings with the media, public, policymakers, and allies in real-time.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Civil Liberties and Rule of Law

Grant Length:

November 2023 to October 2025


Preventing Authoritarian Abuse of Power
  • Accountable.US
  • $225,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2021

Accountable.US (A.US) is a nonpartisan, 501(c)3 organization that shines a light on special interests that too often wield unchecked power and influence in Washington and beyond. They conduct in-depth investigations to expose conflicts of interest and then share their findings with the media, public, policymakers, and allies in real-time.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Civic Participation/Civic Education and Leadership, Government/Executive Branch Performance

Grant Length:

October 2021 to September 2023


Oversight and Accountability
  • African American Federal Executives Association Incorporated
  • $50,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2022

The African American Federal Executives Association (AAFEA) is the leading non-profit organization dedicated to preparing and supporting African Americans for advancement into and within the senior ranks of the United States Government.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:


Grant Length:

November 2022 to October 2023


Representative Leadership
  • American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
  • $100,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2020

Scholars from the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) and American Enterprise Institute (AEI) are conducting a joint project to find solutions to the many continuity of government challenges that our institutions face, some emerging from our current pandemic and others more universal.


Continuity of Government Commission

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Executive Branch Performance, Government, Government/Judicial Selection and Performance, Government/Legislative Branch Performance

Grant Length:

November 2020 to October 2022


Empowering Congress
  • American Oversight, Inc.
  • $500,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2023

American Oversight is a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that uses public records requests backed by litigation to fight corruption, drive accountability, and defend democracy. They believe transparency is a critical tool to promote integrity in government and to protect justice, truth, and the rule of law.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Open Government and Transparency

Grant Length:

September 2023 to August 2025


State and Local Accountability
  • American Oversight, Inc.
  • $450,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2020

American Oversight is building a centralized hub for oversight of the government’s response to the public and economic crisis created by COVID-19. Using information detailed in FOIA requests, news articles, public reports, Inspectors General reports, and congressional investigations, they will support oversight and investigative activities of the watchdog community.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Open Government and Transparency

Grant Length:

July 2020 to June 2022


Oversight and Accountability
  • American Oversight, Inc.
  • $250,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2022

American Oversight is a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that uses public records requests backed by litigation to fight corruption, drive accountability, and defend democracy. They believe transparency is a critical tool to promote integrity in government and to protect justice, truth, and the rule of law.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Open Government and Transparency

Grant Length:

September 2022 to August 2023


Oversight and Accountability
  • American Political Science Association
  • $145,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2019

The American Political Science Association (APSA) will host a public service fellow from May 1, 2019 – October 31, 2020 to conduct research in service of the U.S. Congress. With this fellowship, APSA enhances public understanding of policymaking and improves the quality of scholarship, teaching and reporting on American national politics.


APSA Public Service Fellow

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Legislative Branch Performance

Grant Length:

May 2019 to January 2023


Empowering Congress
  • Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
  • $465,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2020

America needs modern technical talent, at all levels of state and federal government, working in coordinated fashion to advance the Nation’s most pressing technical challenges. The United States of Technologists (“10K Techies”) project is a collective effort to activate 10,000 diverse technologists across state and federal government by the end of 2021.


10K Techies Project

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Executive Branch Performance

Grant Length:

November 2020 to October 2024


Oversight and Accountability
  • Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies
  • $400,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2019

This grant will provide general operating support for the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies .


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Civic Participation/Civic Education and Leadership, Government/Legislative Branch Performance

Grant Length:

October 2019 to July 2023


Constructive Politics
  • Association of Centers for the Study of Congress
  • $20,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2017

The Robert H. Michel Retrospective will honor Mr. Michel’s contribution to the nation’s political history by commissioning a series of essays by scholars and practitioners. The authors will use his career to illustrate and explain themes such as political polarization, congressional gridlock, and leadership dysfunction.


Robert H. Michel Retrospective

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Legislative Branch Performance, Civic Participation/Civic Education and Leadership

Grant Length:

July 2017 to June 2018


Empowering Congress
  • Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
  • $1,300,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2017

This grant supports the governance-related initiatives of the Bipartisan Policy Center, including: taskforces on Government Oversight, Health of the Political Parties, and Election Demographics; the Healthy Congress Index; congressional reforms recommended by the Commission on Political Reform; and increasing the communications capacity of the Bipartisan Policy Center.


Support for the Democracy Project

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Legislative Branch Performance, Civic Participation/Civic Education and Leadership, Other, Government/Open Government and Transparency

Grant Length:

July 2017 to June 2019


Empowering Congress
  • Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
  • $450,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2019

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Congress Project fosters congressional reform ideas, with a particular focus on the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress. The Congress Project will also organize recurring bipartisan programming for Members of Congress and their staff.


Support for the Congress Project

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Legislative Branch Performance, Government/Open Government and Transparency

Grant Length:

July 2019 to June 2020


Empowering Congress
  • Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
  • $800,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2020

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Congress Project will spearhead a series of activities to foster institutional reforms, help Congress reclaim a constitutionally appropriate balance with the executive branch, and expand efforts that enable members and staff to collaborate on bipartisan action.


Support for the Congress Project

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Legislative Branch Performance

Grant Length:

July 2020 to June 2023


Empowering Congress
  • Black Women Leading
  • $55,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2022

Black Women Leading, a fiscally sponsored project of the POPVOX Foundation, funds and supports the Black Women’s Congressional Alliance (BWCA). BWCA works to promote, recruit and retain Black women on Capitol Hill. Their network consists of well over 300 active and engaged members.


Support for Black Women Leading

Foundation Center Topic:

Government, Government/Legislative Branch Performance

Grant Length:

November 2022 to October 2023


Constructive Politics
  • Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
  • $330,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2018

The purpose of this grant is to fund Project DATA at the University of Wisconsin, which involves research and analysis of online political advertisements. Through this research and analysis, the project will explore the extent of “dark money” online advertising campaigns. The project will seek to analyze online advertising data collected in 2016 to assess who is behind online political advertising, the information […]


Project DATA: Digital Ad Tracking & Analysis

Foundation Center Topic:

Government, Civic Participation, Campaigns, Elections, and Voting

Grant Length:

January 2018 to June 2021


Oversight and Accountability
  • BoricuActivatEd
  • $25,000.00
  • General Operating Support
  • Governance
  • 2021

Created by a group of former congressional staffers, BoricuActivatEd empowers individuals of all ages and teaches them to become active in the public space. They hold free workshops in locations across the country, carried out by former public servants and former congressional staff members.


General Operating Support

Foundation Center Topic:

Civic Participation

Grant Length:

October 2021 to September 2022


Constructive Politics
  • Business Forward Foundation
  • $75,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2018

This project grant will allow Business Forward Foundation to activate its network of business leaders across the U.S. to focus on protecting the legitimacy and independence of the U.S. judicial system. This grant will support Business Forward Foundation’s efforts to identify, train, and support business leaders who will speak in favor of the rule of law and will prepare them to push back against […]


Business Leaders Protecting the Courts

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Judicial Selection and Performance, Government/Civil Liberties and Rule of Law

Grant Length:

November 2018 to October 2019


Oversight and Accountability
  • Business Forward Foundation
  • $150,000.00
  • Project
  • Governance
  • 2019

To activate Business Forward’s network of business leaders across the U.S. to protect the rule of law. This grant will support their efforts to identify, train, and support leaders who will speak in favor of the rule of law and who will be prepared to push back against attacks on democratic norms or institutions.


Business Leaders for the Rule of Law

Foundation Center Topic:

Government/Civil Liberties and Rule of Law

Grant Length:

November 2019 to October 2022


Oversight and Accountability
Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036