Social Science Research Council

To support scholarship at the intersection of critical race, digital studies, and social media platforms; especially as it relates to discriminatory targeting, hateful activities, content governance, and human / civil rights protections in the United States, with a particular focus on people of color and women.

Free Press

General operating support for Free Press. 

Interfaith Youth Core

The Interfaith Innovation Fellows program provides training and funding for Interfaith Youth Core Alumni who are leading projects at the intersection of racial equity and interfaith cooperation.

Center for Strategic and International Studies, Inc.

The Defending Democratic Institutions (DDI) project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) assesses and counters technology-enabled threats to our judicial system. The project sends alerts about threats from malign interference, trains judiciary workers on how to respond to threats, and conducts research into this interference.

131 & Counting

To support 131 & Counting’s work to increase the number of women in Congress and public policy positions through educational and social forums that build a bipartisan network of women leaders.

Local Independent Online News Publishers Inc.

LION Publishers strengthens the local news industry by helping independent news publishers build more sustainable businesses. They provide teaching, resources, and community to independent news entrepreneurs.

News Revenue Hub Inc.

News Revenue Hub supports journalism that improves lives — and fights misinformation.

Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) Elections Project will promote recommendations that improve the quality of U.S. elections. Building on the work of the Task Force on Elections, BPC will advance state and federal election recommendations with a focus on addressing new challenges in election administration.

The National Trust for Local News

The National Trust for Local News will create a network of sustainable, independent community news outlets in Georgia by purchasing at-risk community newspapers and developing a shared ownership and governance structure–the Georgia News Conservancy–that are sustainable and ensure quality and editorial independence.

Free Press

Free Press is a watchdog for media and technology policy. They conduct research and policy analysis, educate policymakers, the press and the public, pressure corporations, organize campaigns with grasstops and grassroots constituencies to hold decision-makers accountable, and lead winning coalitions.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036