The Faith Matters Network’s Daring Compassion Movement Chaplaincy Project, a fiscally-sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, offers holistic wellness accompaniment to those leading social events, movements, and organizations.
Grant Status: Completed
Trusted Elections Fund
The Trusted Elections Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, is a pooled donor fund with a portfolio of democracy-related investments. The Trusted Elections Fund undertakes efforts to help prepare U.S. institutions for the possibility of challenges to free and fair elections.
Government Accountability Project Inc
Government Accountability Project’s mission is to promote corporate and government accountability by protecting whistleblowers, advancing occupational free speech, and empowering citizen activists.
Participatory Budgeting Project Inc.
The Participatory Budgeting Project (PBP) works with communities across the US and Canada to decide together how to best spend public money. They create and support participatory budgeting (PB) processes that deepen democracy, build stronger communities, and make public budgets more equitable and effective.
Democracy Works Inc.
Democracy Works is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that collaborates with election officials, leading tech platforms, and world-class partners to drive voter access and participation. They create tools, technology, and data to protect and power our democracy.
Chicago Reader
The Chicago Independent Media Alliance project at the Chicago Reader, a fiscally sponsored project of the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation, brings together 60 community media in Chicago to provide training, shared resources, and a coalition of support during a devastating time for media that serves communities.
NAHJ Association
Through professional development services and scholarships, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) works to diversify mainstream newsrooms, so they better represent the communities they serve. NAHJ also advocates for the accurate representation of Latinos/Hispanic in news.
Northeastern University
The Center for Communication, Media Innovation & Social Change at Northeastern University explores the intersection of media and communication with race, gender, power and media advocacy/social activism.
New America Foundation
To support TechCongress, a project of New America Foundation, in placing an additional mid-career fellow with deep technological knowledge in a congressional office to support and strengthen the ability of lawmakers and staff to generate informed public policy on a variety of technology-related issues currently facing the nation.
Democracy Works Inc.
Democracy Works and their subdivision of TurboVote explores low-cost ways to increase civic engagement and voting through new civic technology and improving processes and data. Their aim is to make voting easier through use of technology and support for elections administrators and voters.