The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support to The Equity Alliance
Grant Status: Completed
Democracy North Carolina
This grant provides general operating support for Democracy North Carolina (DemNC). The organization works to protect the right to vote, reduce the role of money in politics, and advance fair redistricting in North Carolina.
New Venture Fund
To strengthen the field of elections and voting research through participation in the Civic Engagement and Elections Research Collaborative Fund (“the Collaborative Fund”), which is a joint effort with other democracy funders. The Collaborative Fund seeks to provide funding for academic and policy research that supports the work of the philanthropic sector, public and nonprofit leaders and institutions, advocates, academics, and other stakeholders.
Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
This grant will provide three years of general operating support for the Maynard Institute as they execute their strategic plan. This funding will support Maynard in their mission to drive diversity, equity and inclusion in news media and academia through training, engagement and convenings with journalists, news leaders, storytellers, and entrepreneurs.
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Pew Charitable Trusts’s Bipartisan House Chiefs of Staff Initiative (“Safe Spaces Project”), run by Pew’s Government Relations Department, offers programming for chiefs of staff in the U.S. House of Representatives aimed at fostering relationships, sharing best practices, and strengthening the capacity of Congress.
League of Women Voters Education Fund
The purpose of this grant is to help the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) implement the Transformation Roadmap, with a focus on increasing LWVEF capacity at the state and national levels to help build a more engaged, diverse, and sophisticated network of 501(c)(3) members, volunteers, and activists.
A portion of this grant will also support LWVEF’s consultations with legal counsel to ensure that its legal structure positions it well for its next phase of operations.
University of Chicago
To support the Center for Effective Government at the University of Chicago, which will bring together a diverse array of political practitioners, scholars, journalists and others and will facilitate relationship building among these actors through engagement with political reforms that strengthen American democracy.
Duke University
The News Measures Research Project (NMRP)’s local news performance assessment is a valuable tool to journalism researchers, funders, advocates, and practitioners for understanding how local news outlets are meeting the information needs of the communities they serve.
Student Press Law Center
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support to Student Press Law Center to expand and defend the rights of student journalists and their advisors.
George Washington University
This grant will support the launch of The George Washington University’s Project on Political Communications Ethics. The grantee will conduct lunch meetings with key stakeholders to discuss ethics in political communications and will conduct initial research and planning for the future of this program.