Solutions Journalism Network

The purpose of this grant is to support Solutions Journalism Network in training journalists to develop solutions stories that investigate situations and provide reporting on alternate options to challenges unearthed within the investigations.

Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation, Inc.

This grant will support the Georgia News Lab. The News Lab’s mission is threefold: To make the vital work of investigative reporting affordable for news organizations, to increase diversity in newsrooms, and to help news outlets better serve their communities by increasing the flow of trustworthy public interest journalism.

Morgan State University Foundation Incorporated

This grant will provide support for the Morgan Initiative. The Morgan Initiative demonstrates how universities can lead collaborative reporting projects that challenge local newsrooms to shift their practices to better create journalism that is meaningful to communities and responsive to their needs.

The University of Texas at Austin

The Engaging News Project (ENP) will test web-based strategies for informing audiences, promoting substantive discourse, and helping citizens to understand diverse views. They will also analyze business outcomes, such as clicks and time on page, which provides valuable information about what works, and what doesn’t.

West Virginia University Foundation, Inc.

This grant supports work to demonstrate how universities can lead collaborative reporting projects that challenge local newsrooms to shift their practices to better create journalism that is meaningful to communities and responsive to their needs through a focus on reporting from a rural Appalachian perspective.

Community Foundation of New Jersey

The purpose of this grant is to support New Jersey’s local news information ecosystem. The grant will create a fund at the Community Foundation of New Jersey to support organizations that are working to build a networked, state-wide, place-based, news ecosystem that is audience-centered, trusted, collaborative and resilient.

Public Agenda, Inc.

The purpose of this grant is two-fold. This grant will support research and communications on the impacts and general efficacy of participatory budgeting regarding how governments spend money. This grant will also map and compare expert insights on the state of U.S. democracy, so that field leaders might better anticipate the path of democratic evolution and decide how best to support positive change in our politics. 

Women’s Congressional Policy Institute

This grant will provide general support for Women’s Policy, Inc. as they continue convening female leaders of Congress to build bipartisan relationships and increase congressional capacity. 

The Brookings Institution

This grant will support a two-year research project to study how primary elections impact political polarization and congressional dysfunction, explore the potential of congressional primaries as a vehicle to increase political equality, restoring public trust in the electoral system, and ultimately what gives rise to more equitable economic opportunities.

Wayne State University

This project grant will provide support for the Levin Center at Wayne Law to continue its efforts to strengthen congressional oversight. This work will include academic research and collaboration on congressional oversight issues. By facilitating the development of an academic field focused on oversight and research into effective oversight methods, the Levin Center’s work is part of a longer term strategy to rebuild civil society’s work on oversight and accountability issues.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036