Adhikaar for Human Rights and Social Justice

Adhikaar for Human Rights and Social Justice is an immigrant women-of-color-led grassroots organization based in Woodside, New York. Founded in 2005, they are the country’s only worker and social justice center dedicated to serving and mobilizing the Nepali-speaking community — an underserved, under-resourced, and undercounted community.

The National Trust for Local News

The National Trust for Local News, a project of the Lenfest Institute for Journalism, will create a network of sustainable, independent community news outlets in Georgia by purchasing at-risk community newspapers and developing ownership and governance structures that create sustainability efficiencies as well as ensure quality and editorial independence.

Free Press

To support the core journalism program at Free Press, which is building an advocacy approach that combines credible, rigorous analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of local media ecosystems with a public engagement approach.

The Foundation Center

Strengthen the democracy reform field through improvements to the Foundation Center’s democracy mapping tool in order to foster more effective strategic collaboration and decision making in the field.

The College of William and Mary

Improve  understanding about the attitudes and behaviors of tea party members in order to better inform strategies to address polarization and strengthen political institutions.

Rock the Vote

Organizational grant for Rock the Vote over 2 years.

Common Cause Education Fund

Common Cause Education Fund is one of the major institutions supporting democratic reform in the United States. They work in election administration and campaign finance, with strong state chapters that emphasize building local, bipartisan coalitions for reform.

Internet Archive

The Sunlight Foundation, Philadelphia’s Committee of Seventy, and the Internet Archive will be matching up the political ads with FCC-mandated public inspection file data from each station to uncover which groups paid how much for each political ad.

Taxpayers for Common Sense

Taxpayers for Common Sense (TCS) will plan to host a series of small confidential meetings (fewer than 20 people from various sides of the issues) to discuss three things: areas of agreement, areas of disagreement, and common definitions to minimize misunderstanding. The purpose of this grant will be to explore the idea of convening these meetings and secure buy-in from key leaders.

Democracy Works Inc.

TurboVote, Sunlight, and ELECTricity will work together to develop a template of easy-to use election websites and pilot those sites in 5 states.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036