
Fair Vote and BPC will examine state houses who had to adapt to unusual power-sharing structures to understand how agreement can be reached in such cases.

New America Foundation

The New America Foundation will work with scholars to conduct a series of lab and field experiments related to the effectiveness of fact checking and innovative uses of media to inform and engage the public.

No Labels Foundation

The No Labels Foundation seeks to convene policymakers, across party lines and at all levels of government, to provide fact based educational programming promoting trust and collaboration.

No Labels Foundation

Support an evaluation or assessment to better understand how the organization is performing.

Healthy Democracy Fund

To continue support for Healthy Democracy as they further institutionalize the Oregon process and extend the CIR practice to other states.

Open Source Election Technology Foundation

The Open Source Election Technology Foundation (OSET) works to increase confidence in elections by innovating election and voting systems using an open-source, adaptable, flexible, full-featured election technology framework.

Online News Association

The purpose of this grant is to provide funds to run another two years of the collegiate grants contest around experimentation and expanding journalism practices.

Times Publishing Company

The purpose of this grant is to expand the practice of fact-checking by helping PolitiFact expand their network throughout the states.

The OpenGov Foundation

This grant is designed to help support planning by the OpenGov Foundation as they aim to create a Congressional Digital Service. The Congressional Digital Service would provide resources and infrastructure to help build out the digital needs of Congress.  A successful plan would likely include a fundraising plan, hiring of a director, and a strategic plan for the next 3-5 years.

ReThink Media, Inc.

The Collaborative Communications Initiative will continue to improve the communications capacity of the campaign finance reform community. Allowing groups to build collective messaging success in the field.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036