General Operating Support
Grant Status: Completed
William J. Brennan, Jr. Center for Justice, Inc.
The William J. Brennan Center for Justice is preparing for the possible invocation of emergency authorities and the threat they would pose to democracy and to the constitutional order. This grant will support the Liberty and National Security Program’s Emergency Powers Project. The project involves legal and empirical research, a bipartisan working group of academic experts and former government officials to identify scenarios and interventions, and implementation of intervention strategies.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL) facilitates election data collection and sharing through web-based tools and datasets. The lab will create systems for sharing findings, allowing for the development of a network of scholars in the Election Science field.
Reports filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) are made publicly available but are not searchable or otherwise usable without laborious review. The Center of Responsive Politics’ (CRP) Foreign Lobby Watch Project will extract and convert this data into a useful form, then make it available for the public.
Protect Democracy Project
The Protect Democracy Project is investigating government actions, engaging in public outreach and education, encouraging oversight by existing government mechanisms, and, when appropriate, bringing litigation against government actions that threaten our democracy.
CoastAlaska, Inc.
To support collaboration and fundraising services at Coast Alaska which helps build the Alaska media ecosystem. The shared services support will include a matching campaign for noncommercial public broadcasting stations inspired by NewsMatch, and the expansion of technological services to support small noncommercial stations in Alaska.
North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support North Carolina’s local news and information ecosystem. The grant will create the North Carolina Local News Lab Fund at the North Carolina Community Foundation to support building a networked news ecosystem that is audience-centered, trusted, collaborative, and resilient.
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
The purpose of this grant is to support The Center for High Impact Philanthropy (“CHIP”) to develop a toolkit for donors that will help philanthropists understand the various aspects of strengthening our democracy and ways they can support efforts around the United States. CHIP will conduct a field scan, develop specific resources on what is working well, and disseminate the toolkit to various donor networks.
University of Oregon Foundation
Gather supports community-minded journalists and other engagement professionals through an online platform that acts as a hub for critical tools, resources, and conversations for journalists.
Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans
The Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) works to ensure that Black and African, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA) immigrant communities are centered in legislative and administrative policies. They also work to reimagine refugee resettlement narratives and policies that have created barriers to the full inclusion of refugees in the fabric of our democracy.