The purpose of this grant is to provide continued support for the Center for Election Innovation & Research. CEIR will work to continue improving election administration by studying new trends in elections, working with election officials to ensure confidence in elections, improving communication with voters, and streamlining the administration of elections with technological and procedural advances.
Grant Status: Completed
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
The University of Virginia’s Center for Effective Lawmaking (CEL) is a nonpartisan organization that uses quantitative and qualitative analyses to promote legislative effectiveness among lawmakers across the United States.
Internews Network
Internews is an organization working to ensure access to trusted, quality information that empowers people to have a voice in their future and to live healthy, secure, and rewarding lives. The purpose of this grant is to support the Listening Post Collective, a multi-city project that seeks to offer resources, tools, peer-to-peer support and a shared learning space for journalists, newsroom leaders and community groups looking to revitalize their local news and information ecosystems.
Chalkbeat Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support Chalkbeat’s community driven local news bureau model across the United States. This general operating grant will support Chalkbeat’s efforts to create a scalable and sustainable model for local journalism that serves communities while sharing costs across geographic bureaus in order to make the work maximally sustainable.
Open News
OpenNews, a fiscally sponsored project of Community Partners, creates and supports a diverse community of peers working, learning, and solving problems in technology for local newsrooms to create the stronger, more representative ecosystem that journalism needs to thrive.
The Miami Foundation Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to create a joint Legal Clinic Fund administered by the Miami Foundation to support and expand legal clinics that are housed at law schools and focus on the first amendment, media access, and transparency. This grant will help strengthen legal clinics as a backbone of legal support for local newsrooms.
Take The Lead Inc
To support Take the Lead’s “50 Women Can Change the World in Journalism” program, providing training, cohort building, and networking opportunities for women leading in the media industry.
The Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.
To support the Center for Investigative Reporting’s investigative journalism as a critical check and balance on power. The grant will provide the Center for Investigative Reporting with critical support for their local news collaborations through the Reveal Local Labs to help them fulfill their role as a core part of America’s fourth estate. This project will help expand investigative capacity around the country and at the national level.
Advancement Project
Advancement Project is a next generation, multi-racial, policy, communications, and legal action group committed to civil rights and racial justice . They use innovative tools and strategies to strengthen social movements, achieve policy change and support local movements to ensure impacted communities are at the forefront of change.
National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development
National CAPACD’s 2021 AAPI Community Resilience Fund supports the racial healing and anti-racism work of recipient organizations, as well as their work to build multi-racial coalitions and strengthen solidarity work locally in neighborhoods. This work includes political education that combats anti-Blackness and advances a deeper understanding of diverse AAPI communities.