The Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, a fiscally sponsored project of Project South, advances structural shifts toward Climate Justice + Ecological Equity in Gulf South Black, Indigenous, and Brown communities on the frontlines of climate change.
Grant Status: Completed
The Campaign Legal Center, Inc.
To provide the Campaign Legal Center with a restricted grant for the purpose of organizational and programmatic strategic planning.For more on CLC’s history and current program areas, please refer to R-201407-01230.
New Organizing Institute Education Fund
For the purposes of assisting the election administration team at NOI plan and assess the best manner in which to complete a spinoff. The planning grant can include: assistance on developing the business plan, evaluating a proper Board development strategy, understanding and developing stronger relationships with the EA community, and other purposes to benefit the new organization.
Public Agenda, Inc.
As a partner to the Participatory Budgeting Project, Public Agenda will play a lead role in the development of participatory budgeting through surfacing local evaluation research, performing independent research and communicating research results to key constituencies.
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation
The Election Law Program (ELP), a joint project of William & Mary (W&M) Law School and the National Center on State Courts, provides reliable, updatable State Election Law Wikis for state and federal court judges to help them make election law decisions promptly and fairly.
US Vote Foundation
The Mini-Grant serves to incorporate the data into the My Voter Account information, such that people can get customizable fact check information on their elected members of congress.
US Vote Foundation
The End-to-End Verifiable Internet Voting Specification and Feasibility Assessment Study will examine a form of remote voting that enables a so-called “end-to-end verifiability” (E2E) property. A unique team of experts in computer science, usability, and auditing together with a selection of local election officials from key counties around the U.S. will assemble for this study.
Participatory Budgeting Project Inc.
Provide project support to the Participatory Budgeting Project to foster increased use of participatory budgeting in the US.
Proteus Fund Inc.
The Collaborative Communications Initiative will improve the communications capacity of the campaign finance reform community.
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) is using this planning grant for a new initiative: “Fix the System.” CRFB is a trusted convener in the area of budget reform–they bring together important political forces to build coalitions and support for reasonable ways to encourage a functioning government system.