For general support to National Institute for Civic Discourse to encourage political and civic leaders to embrace vigorous debate in a way that allows for diverse perspectives to be shared, for complex issues to be discussed thoughtfully, and for challenging topics to be explored without resorting to invective and personal attacks.
Grant Status: Completed
University of Arizona Foundation
For general support to National Institute for Civic Discourse to encourage political and civic leaders to embrace vigorous debate in a way that allows for diverse perspectives to be shared, for complex issues to be discussed thoughtfully, and for challenging topics to be explored without resorting to invective and personal attacks.
University of Arizona Foundation
To support collaboration between NICD and the Engaging News Project to share knowledge and identify promising strategies that will determine features and tools to promote a more civil dialogue online.
The University of Texas at Austin
The Engaging News Project has a single aim: to provide research-based techniques for engaging online audiences in commercially-viable and democratically-beneficial ways. The project tests web-based strategies for informing audiences, promoting substantive discourse, and helping citizens to understand diverse views.
The University of Texas at Austin
To support collaboration between NICD and the Engaging News Project to share knowledge and identify promising strategies that will determine features and tools to promote a more civil dialogue online.
The Aspen Institute Inc
The Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in Public Leadership identifies and brings together promising young political leaders to explore the underlying values and principles of western democracy, the relationship between individuals and their community, and the responsibilities of public leadership.
Library of Congress
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is an agency within the Library of Congress that works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and members of both the House and Senate.
Common Cause Education Fund
Common Cause Education Fund is an major organization supporting civic reform in the U.S., working for improvements in both election administration and campaign finance. At the national level, they are major player in shaping conversations around voting and participation rights. Their strong state chapters continue to build local coalitions for many of the reforms that the Democracy Fund believes strengthen our democracy.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
This is a renewal grant to CJR’s United States Project to support experimentation in building local journalism capacity in the areas of collaboration, innovation, impact, and funding in target states.
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Incorporated
The purpose of this grant is to support the Local News Lab in New Jersey. Dodge has been a co-funder (using Knight Funds) of our work with Rutgers and Free Press. They are also involved in a number of other initiatives well aligned with our priorities.