To improve local journalism by continuing the United States Project at CJR which has become an important reference point for reporting on the state of local journalism across the country.
Grant Status: Completed
Voice of the People
Demonstrate how a Citizen Cabinet could provide federal policy makers with a new resource for understanding the views of their constituents by piloting the process in a small number of districts.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
The Columbia Journalism Review will improve the quality of election and policy coverage by focusing media criticism at the local level, where the quality of media coverage can be essential for voters to understand issues and make informed choices.
Healthy Democracy Fund
Healthy Democracy Fund and the Participatory Budget Project will work with Personal Democracy Media to explore how technology may be used to improve their models of public engagement.
Voice of San Diego
The purpose of this grant is to support Voice of San Diego’s Membership Academy.
Congressional Management Foundation
The purpose of this grant is to create a coalition of experts from inside and outside of Congress to creative a constructive, cohesive vision for a Resilient Democracy.
Democracy Works Inc.
To give local election administrators the skills to make better use of their own election data by providing detailed training on how to collect, visualize, and analyze data to make arguments about cost or efficiency.
Partnership for Public Service Inc.
The Partnership for Public Service builds trust and better relationships between the branches of the federal government, enhances accountability for Congressional stewardship for the Executive Branch, and increases general understanding of the challenges facing the government.
Free Press
To support the core journalism program at Free Press, which is building an advocacy approach that combines credible, rigorous analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of local media ecosystems with a public engagement approach.
MOAA Military Family Initiative
MOAA Military Family Initiative (MOAA) will use new marketing efforts and current publications to inform and remind members of the military and their families of their federal rights as a UOCAVA (Uniformed Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act) voter.