One Voice Inc.

To support One Voice’s efforts to build relationships with election clerks, conduct research on potential cost savings associated with online voter registration, and build capacity among the coalition of organizations in Mississippi working on elections issues.

PEN American Center, Inc.

To support the continued activity and expansion of the PEN America Press Freedom Incentive Fund, a sub-granting mechanism designed to support PEN America Members, writers, and allies to mobilize their local communities around press freedom.

Take Back Our Republic Inc

Take Back Our Republic (TBOR) gives concerned citizens a voice on money in politics. Their activities include research and education to return political power to individuals.

National Affairs, Inc.

This project grant to the online and quarterly publication National Affairs will support its work to develop voices who can stand up for democratic norms and the rule of law. The grant will allow National Affairs to host a series of public and private events that highlight the work of journalists, academics and writers and connect them with like-minded thinkers and the conservative public. 

Nonprofit Vote

The purpose of this grant is to support Nonprofit VOTE’s continued coordination of National Voter Registration Day. Nonprofit VOTE will work to recruit and empower local partners to register voters within their communities, while simultaneously launching a national media campaign to amplify those efforts.

Business Forward Foundation

This project grant will allow Business Forward Foundation to activate its network of business leaders across the U.S. to focus on protecting the legitimacy and independence of the U.S. judicial system. This grant will support Business Forward Foundation’s efforts to identify, train, and support business leaders who will speak in favor of the rule of law and will prepare them to push back against attacks on the courts. 

Social Science Research Council

The purpose of this grant is to support the Digital Disinformation Research and Mapping Project, which will track and aggregate ongoing research, facilitate the alignment of research with relevant policy efforts, and build a diverse and multidisciplinary scholarly network.

Future of California Elections

This grant will support the Future of California Elections (FoCE), a fiscally sponsored project of Community Partners, in conducting network-building work around California Motor Voter and Voters Choice Act implementation. 

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036