This grant will support the Senior Practice Fellow in American Democracy at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Grant Status: Completed
New America Foundation
This grant will support the work of New America’s Political Reform Project, which seeks to revitalize American democratic practice by introducing new ideas and new perspectives to the public debate, putting reform ideas to the test, and bringing together activists, academics, and political practitioners to test and refine promising concepts.
American Press Institute
To support the costs of a pilot survey to test questions to measure political information efficacy, plan for future data collection, and share the results and framework publicly through publications and presentations as a method of measuring the health of the public square and providing evidence of the effectiveness of funding journalism and media.
New America Foundation
To support the Political Reform Program, through the New Models of Policy Change project, at New America Foundation to strengthen work on resilience to political violence.
Islamic Society of North America
To support the Shoulder to Shoulder campaign, inside of Islamic Society of North America, in their initiative on interfaith and islamophobia trainings and workshops. These training are called Faith over Fear, and this grant will support Shoulder to Shoulder’s Ramadan work, as well.
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
Support the Democracy Program to raise awareness of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration and The Commission on Political Reform recommendations among key stakeholders and the general public and support key research and technical assistance to assist officials who are seeking to adopt best practices recommended by the commissions.
Issue One
To provide general support to Issue One (formerly Fund for the Republic).
Committee for Economic Development
Provide two year grant support to the Committee for Economic Development to run a project to get business leaders more engaged in the money in politics discussion.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc.
A grant to the Poynter Institute will foster a public conversation within media about the role of pundits in our democracy, reduce the level of deception from pundits through highly visible fact checking of pundits, and demonstrate the value of using non-partisan fact checking of media pundits to reduce deception and misinformation.
American Press Institute
The American Press Institute will improve the practice of fact checking and significantly increase the adoption of fact checking practices through research and the convening of media leaders.