Pillars Fund

To support Pillars Fund’s Culture Change Project, in partnership with the Pop Culture Collaborative, as they develop an American Muslim Pop Culture Cohort.  

Northeastern University

To support the efforts of Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute in conducting research around the role of misinformation on social media platforms during the 2018 election season and publishing relevant findings.

The Campaign Finance Institute

The Campaign Finance Institute serves to provide balanced, thoughtful policy analysis related to solving some of the challenges associate with money in our political system.

The Campaign Finance Institute

The Campaign Finance Institute will convene a nationally prominent group of scholars to assess what is known about the campaign finance system and determine what are the most important research questions that should be investigated to insure that future policy reforms are informed by the best available nonpartisan information and analysis.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Polling Place of the Future Project at MIT brings election officials, political scientists and tech experts together to refine and build free-access tech tools to allow election officials to run elections better.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Researchers from MIT and other peer academic institutions will conduct research on best practices in the administration of election in order to inform the deliberations of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration.

Public Citizen Foundation, Inc.

The Bright Lines Project provides communications support to a team of nonpartisan tax attorneys supporting a nuetral, consistent application of the IRS rules related to political activity.

Cato Institute

Cato’s DeepBills Project will serve as a platform to decode the legal language of bills, allowing journalists and others to identify what parts of government is actually being amended.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036