The New School

To support the New School’s Journalism + Design program in their efforts to train local newsrooms on systems and design thinking through workshops, convenings, and a digital toolkit to help journalists develop new ways to understand and serve their local communities’ needs.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The purpose of this grant is to support the Digital Democracy Project in developing institutional capacity for policy development that addresses the role of platforms in our democracy.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

To provide continued support for the New Americans Campaign’s effort to assist permanent residents along the path to citizenship.

Center for American Progress

To support a research project on generational change and democracy that seeks to establish the facts about Millennial/ Post-Millenial generational size inclination and relation to populism, project the effects of these new generations on future public opinion and voting behavior especially in relation to populism, and determine how to best activate and channel the views of these generations.

Georgetown University

To support the Georgetown University Institute of Politics in hosting an inaugural series of six dinners with existing leaders among public service professionals to take place in the winter and spring of 2019. Dinners may be held in private rooms at restaurants or in the homes of participants. The size of each group will vary, but will typically be 6-8 people to keep the gatherings intimate. 

Win | Win Network

To support the Win/Win coalition’s efforts around automatic voter registration implementation in Washington state.


AmericaSpeaks will develop a plan through which a critical mass of citizens in 1-2 Congressional districts will take part in a pilot project for scaling up public deliberation.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036