Nonzero Foundation Inc

The Non-Zero Foundation’s will launch its “The Good Fight” project, which will feature video-based dialogues on hot political topics between important voices from the Left and the Right.

No Labels Foundation

Support the professional development of senior management at No Labels Foundation to strengthen the organization and its management practices.

Democracy Works Inc.

To provide support for the ongoing development and maintenance of a website that provides the election administration community with unfiltered news and information, communicates innovation, and fosters information sharing across jurisdictions.

Center for Civic Design

The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating capacity for Center for Civic Design, a key (and overlooked) player in the elections field. Center for Civic Design supports many of our grantees and other organizations we work with. It needs assistance to expand its work this election year, which includes designing election materials, experimentation, and usability testing.

George Washington University

Support The Monkey Cage’s efforts to make the political conversation more informed by timely, accessible and sound research from a publicly oriented political science discipline and less dominated by evidence-free  arguments. This is achieved by increasing the public engagement of political scientists and other academics and connecting academics with key audiences among journalists, policy analysts, and lay readers.

Institute for Nonprofit News

INN’s mission is to help nonprofit news organizations produce and distribute stories with impact; to achieve cost efficiencies by pooling resources and services; and to develop new revenue streams that will help member organizations become sustainable, mission-driven, nonprofit businesses.  

President and Fellows of Harvard College

This grant would contribute initial funding towards the creation of the position of Senior Practice Fellow in American Democracy at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Mozilla Foundation

The purpose of this grant is to support the Coral Project in the development and implementation of tools and platforms that encourage a culture of engagement in newsrooms. The grant will largely focus on expanding adoption of their tools in newsrooms, which will consist of training, outreach and work around shifting culture inside newsrooms to be more open to engagement. 

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036