To strengthen reporting and commentary by bringing together prominent journalists and columnists of all political stripes to learn about and discuss issues related to religion that cut across partisan boundaries.
Grant Status: Completed
Faith and Politics Institute
The Faith & Politics Institute works in a variety of ways to bring members of Congress and their staffs together to build better, stronger and lasting relationships through private reflection groups, public meetings and transformative pilgrimages.
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
General Operating Funds to support to goals of the Bipartisan Policy Center, including support of the Democracy Program, and to raise awareness among key stakeholders and the general public of the recommendations of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration and The Commission on Political Reform, and to support efforts to educate officials and the public regarding the functional benefits of adopting the best practices recommended by the commissions.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
This is a renewal grant to CJR’s United States Project to support experimentation in building local journalism capacity in the areas of collaboration, innovation, impact, and funding in target states.
Center for New Democratic Processes
The Your Voice Ohio Project will test, evaluate, and refine sustainable methods for engaging and serving communities through better, more participatory journalism. The Jefferson Center for a New Democratic Process will explore the complementary roles of public deliberation, community organizing, digital engagement, media collaboration, and new approaches in helping communities, and journalism, thrive.
The Project on Government Oversight, Inc.
This rapid response grant provides POGO with critical increased capacity to respond to recent political developments. They will be able to conduct more in-depth investigations, provide more trainings for federal workers and congressional staff, and more effectively protect against the erosion of government safeguards and checks and balances.
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Inc.
In response to an alarming rise of divisive rhetoric aimed at Muslims in the United States, this grant supports outreach efforts by Congressional leaders to their Muslim constituents. To build greater understanding between Muslim-Americans and non-Muslim neighbors, an earned media campaign will be used to amplify the outreach activities.
Pro Publica Inc.
This grant is to support investigative reporting. It is part of a larger package of grants around investigative journalism that is meant to expand the critical capacity of nonprofit investigative journalism as a robust fourth estate. The grant will empower those newsrooms to pursue rigorous journalism that keeps the government accountable to the American people.
American University
This grant is to support investigative reporting. It is part of a larger package of grants around investigative journalism that is meant to expand the critical capacity of nonprofit investigative journalism as a robust fourth estate. The grant will empower those newsrooms to pursue rigorous journalism that keeps the government accountable to the American people.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Professor Thomas Main of The City University of New York is writing a book about the roots and reach of the Alt-Right. This grant will support Professor Main’s ability to access social media data, to provide transcription support for his research, and to provide his salary during the time in which he conducts this research.