Do Something Inc.

To support Do Something to build out additional capacity for further expansion into the civic engagement space and to utilize their capacity of young volunteers, tech reminders, and media campaigns in order to test different elements of the voter turnout moonshot. These activities will include using their parallel media campaign, which promotes earned and paid efforts, to get young people to engage with local Do Something leaders to promote greater engagement among their families and peers.

First Draft News

To support First Draft News, a fiscally sponsored project of The Lenfest Institute for Journalism, in designing training programs at news outlets across the United States in resilience building and collaboration to provide ongoing support for journalists, technologists, and the public as they navigate the challenges of mis/disinformation.

Kanu Hawaii

To provide Kanu, a Hawaii based volunteer organization, with capacity to engage volunteers to raise awareness about nonpartisan civic engagement and empowerment in the state. Kanu will work with other organizations and nonprofits to promote greater Hawaiian participation in voting and public engagement.

American Press Institute

The Trusting News project works with journalists across the country to develop, test, and implement strategies in reporting and publishing that builds trust with audiences.

Georgia News Lab

Georgia News Lab, a fiscally sponsored project of the Institute for Nonprofit News, sustains and diversifies investigative newsrooms by training a new generation of diverse journalists across Georgia through high-impact partnerships with local newsrooms.

Democracy Works Inc. is the nation’s only nonpartisan, non-advocacy clearinghouse for election reform news and information.

The Foundation Center

For the development of a tool mapping funding flows in the field of democracy reform.

Voice of the People

Building on the infrastructure established in the first phase of the project, we propose to carry out Citizen Cabinet surveys on seven new policy topics in an expanded number of states as well as with a national sample and to more broadly promote the idea of the Citizen Cabinet to Congress, the media and the public. This grant will also work to help VOP find a new long-term home for this project with more robust institutional resources.

Congressional Management Foundation

This general operating grant is aimed at helping boost the efforts of the Congressional Management Foundation’s efforts to help Congressional offices manage resources as effectively as possible. More specifically, this grant aims to boost several key functions within CMF including a program that would look at developing guiding principles that would establish best practices for use of technology in Congressional offices and a program that focuses on training Freshman Member offices.


This grant will be to help support the general operations of FairVote – an organization working to generate greater civility in government through voting reforms.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036