The Foundation Center

Continued support for the Democracy Field Mapping Tool. The grant funding will allow Foundation Center to make additional improvements and enhancements to this tool. The tool provides relevant data visualizations for various funders, nonprofits, and other groups interested in the philanthropic sector’s role in U.S. democracy.

Democracy Works Inc.

To provide support to a website that provides news about the latest and ongoing trends in election administration.

The Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.

The primary purpose of this grant is to expand the use of CIR’s Impact Tracker in the United States, so that news outlets can better monitor their role in their community. The grant will also support a budding partnership with local outlets in Chicago and a set of opportunities to promote diversity within the ranks of investigative reporters.

Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education

This grant provides MIJE resources to relaunch programs and advocacy around diversity in journalism. MIJE is fresh off a round of strategic planning where they worked with over a dozen journalism professionals to identify needs within the field and devise ways to build on those opportunities for change. The purpose of this grant is to help the organization reestablish itself so that it can begin to take on the roles outlined from their human centered design strategic planning process.  

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

This grant will expand CRFB’s fact-checking capabilities to monitor and analyze (in real time) the various statements and positions put forth by the president, his staff, and administration representatives.

Association of Centers for the Study of Congress

The Robert H. Michel Retrospective will honor Mr. Michel’s contribution to the nation’s political history by commissioning a series of essays by scholars and practitioners. The authors will use his career to illustrate and explain themes such as political polarization, congressional gridlock, and leadership dysfunction.

Faith in Public Life, Inc.

This is a project grant to support Faith in Public Life as they undergo a process of building out their networks in 2-3 states with an explicit focus on building relationships with MASA community members and religious leaders. The goal being the establishment of secure networks that are prepared to offer practical measure of protection to members of the greater MASA community in the chosen locations should the need arise.

Center for Democracy and Technology

The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT)’s project will identify election cybersecurity issues and best practices in two critical areas: 1) voter registration databases and 2) campaign data and communications.

Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.

The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Democracy Project will continue their efforts to promote the Presidential Commission on Election Administration’s recommendations. These recommendations are meant to improve the quality of our elections.

Civic Nation

The Purpose of the Grant is to allow Civic Nation to build out a strategy and recruit additional support around positive communications placement that increases the likelihood of culture change around how the public discusses and views the American Muslim community.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036