Emergent Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, funds rapid response and emergent organizing led by frontline Black, Indigenous, and organizers of color with trust-based, no-string-attached grants. This grant is made by Democracy Fund in collaboration with the Rights and Dignity Working Group, a cross-Omidyar Group initiative.
Grant Status: Completed
Democracy Rising
Democracy Rising, a fiscally sponsored project of NEO Philanthropy Inc., works directly with community groups advancing democracy reform to build effective organizing, education, and advocacy strategies and to ensure just implementation.
People’s Parity Project
The People’s Parity Project is a nationwide network of law students and new attorneys organizing to unrig the legal system and build a justice system that values people over profits.
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
The purpose of this grant is to fund Project DATA at the University of Wisconsin, which involves research and analysis of online political advertisements. Through this research and analysis, the project will explore the extent of “dark money” online advertising campaigns. The project will seek to analyze online advertising data collected in 2016 to assess who is behind online political advertising, the information that is disseminated online, who is targeted, and the effects produced by the targeted campaigns. Potential outcomes are publication of the findings in peer-reviewed academic journals, as well as a white paper, and the project lead – Professor Young Mie Kim – engaging in public service activities to disseminate the findings.
News Revenue Hub Inc.
This general operating grant will support the growth and expansion of the News Revenue Hub, which helps nonprofit newsrooms develop reader support models and build sustainable membership programs. Through this grant the News Revenue Hub will be able to build on its successful pilot year and further institutionalize the model they have developed, setting up a learning lab, brining on new clients and developing resources that serve the entire nonprofit journalism community.
Morgan State University Foundation Incorporated
The Institute for Urban Journalism at Morgan State University trains new cadres of black journalists through new fellowships; runs Social Justice Reporting Collaboratives between students at Morgan State and other journalism institutions; and produces research on the needs of black communities residing in news deserts or facing otherwise biased or insufficient news.
Borealis Philanthropy
The Fund for Diverse-Led and Serving Media is a joint fund that will partner with diverse-led and -serving media outlets to better meet the information needs of traditionally underserved communities through capacity building support and technical assistance, a landscape analysis to understand how underserved communities of color receive information, and sharing learnings.
Open News
To support OpenNews, a fiscally sponsored project of Community Partners, which works to create and support a diverse community of peers working, learning, and solving problems in technology and data. For this project, OpenNews will continue to create spaces in-person and online that support and connect changemakers and local journalists in newsrooms outside of the NY/DC corridor.
President and Fellows of Harvard College
To support the Senior Practice Fellow in American Democracy at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Harvard Kennedy School.
New America Foundation
To support the work of New America’s Political Reform Program, which seeks to revitalize American democratic practice by introducing new ideas and new perspectives to the public debate, putting reform ideas to the test, and bringing together activists, academics, and political practitioners to test and refine promising concepts.