To support efforts to create a healthy local news ecosystem via a grant program that supports community-based journalism and media organizations in Chicago, with a focus on community-based journalism organizations led by people of color.
Grant Status: Completed
ReThink Media, Inc.
The purpose of this grant to provide project support to Rehink Media Inc.’s Security and Rights team to address anti-Muslim bigotry through strategic communications, rapid response messaging, and spokesperson training.
Fair Elections Center
This grant will provide support for growth and visibility of the website, which is a site designed to collect and centralize poll worker information and applications from several jurisdictions, making it easier for local election officials and potential poll workers to connect and fill Election Day positions.
iCivics Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support planning between centers for the study of Congress, the presidential libraries and iCivics, and will result in a shared strategic plan that will facilitate collaboration and collective impact among these organizations, with the goal of increased civic awareness, especially with regard to Congress.
Local Independent Online News Publishers Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to provide capacity building support to LION (Local Independent Online News Publishers), a fiscally sponsored project of Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc., for strategic planning and board training.
iCivics Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support development of a joint strategic plan between iCivics and the centers for the study of Congress, led by the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. The strategic plan will include documentation of planning activities, a summary of the assessment of required program enhancements, and an outline of next steps required for program scaling.
Millions of Conversations, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support for Millions of Conversations (MoC).
Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
To support Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) in their efforts to promote engagement at the intersection of faith and democracy through a pilot pooled funding program — the “Faith In/ And Democracy” fund — to engage faith leaders and communities, bridge across lines of difference, and support faith-based civic engagement efforts to overcome polarization.
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Elections Project will convene three task forces focused on different aspects of the elections process to develop updated recommendations to address challenges in election administration, as well as identify ongoing gaps where states have yet to adopt PCEA recommendations.
Cato Institute
To support the Cato Institute’s study on the American people’s feelings toward pluralism and immigration. Cato Institute will conduct a large-scale polling project and will publish a report on their findings.