National Immigration Law Center

The purpose of this grant is to support litigation and legal services around issues pertaining to vulnerable communities – specifically MASA and immigrant communities.

National Issues Forum Institute

This grant will support National Issues Forum Institute (NIFI) and its partner –the Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA) at The Ohio State University — in developing and promoting a new, deliberative town hall meeting module for use by congressional offices online. NIFI will develop materials for the modules and coordinate with IDEA and other partners to produce and distribute modules and monitor project progress.

iCivics Inc.

This grant will support iCivics’ strategic planning efforts to coordinate a network of presidential library foundations and the National Archives Foundation to work collaboratively to establish a common set of measurement tools, support opportunities to develop joint civics programming, and explore a national communications strategy to promote and enhance civic education. 

Center for Media Justice

To support the Center for Media Justice (CMJ) in their work to create a new deal for the digital age with a focus on racial and gender equity. This grant will support CMJ’s involvement in the Change the Terms coalition, with a focus on using educational events, corporate accountability actions, and cultural strategies to shift corporate practices and policies to eliminate white supremacist hate speech from platforms and strengthen civil rights protections for people of color. 

University of Southern California

The California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) at the University of Southern California will design, release, and host the Vote Center Siting Tool in three states: Colorado, Arizona, and Texas. The development of the tool in these three states will help election officials make informed decisions about where to locate polling places and how to better target other services to the voters and potential voters they serve.

Trinity Forum, Inc

To disseminate Trinity Forum’s research on the contributions Christianity can make in a pluralistic society through writing and other outreach, events, and convenings.

The Aspen Institute Inc

This grant will support the Inclusive America Project’s landscape analysis of the religious pluralism funding field and dissemination of the findings to inform field and the public.

Common Cause Education Fund

To support Common Cause Education Fund’s efforts in Hawaii to increase nonpartisan voter turnout and engagement. Common Cause will use core strategies such as creating a narrative around the importance of voting rooted in Hawaiian values and culture; leveraging local leaders and technology platforms to spread this narrative; and promoting good election reform practices to help make voting more accessible and increase civic engagement throughout the state.


To obtain and analyze digital ad data from digital platforms and to translate it into a more accurate, useful dataset for partners. Ultimately, this work would lead to a more comprehensive and accessible data source for the press and public.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036