To support research on radical polarization and the behaviors to lead to increased political violence in the United States and dissemination of the research through white papers and a book.
Grant Status: Completed
Wesleyan University
To support the Wesleyan Media Project, a project of Wesleyan University, in their work to organize data to hold platforms accountable to the American public and advance America’s democratic promise. This grant will fund research and scholarship into how best to collect and publish data regarding political advertising on platforms, with particular interest on ads that involve race and gender.
State Voices
State Voices is national civic engagement organization focused on building capacity at the state and local level. This grant supports their work to make voting more inclusive and accessible.
Documentary Educational Resources Inc.
Documentary Educational Resources is producing a two-part radio documentary series on judicial independence. The series, airing nationally on public radio affiliates, will explore the history of politicization of the U.S. judiciary and explore strategies and reforms to maintain the independence and legitimacy of the courts.
The Brookings Institution
The Brookings Institution is conducting research on social service partnerships between the government and faith-based organizations, and will publish and share a report that includes recommended best practices.
Democracy Works Inc.
Democracy Works’ Voting Information Project, How to Vote, & Ballot Scout programs address voting and election administration issues brought about or exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
National Conference on Citizenship
Project Redesign at the National Conference on Citizenship supports EL-ISAC’s work to increase information security capabilities among local election officials through recommendations, tools, and metrics that can be used to evaluate their messaging’s success.
The University of Texas at Austin
This grant supports the work and experimentation of the Engaging News Project and in so doing will raise the knowledge across industry of news engagement practices that are COMMERCIALLY-VIABLE and DEMOCRATICALLY-BENEFICIAL.
American Press Institute
The purpose of this general support grant is to continue to develop the research led innovation approach API has used in its work on fact checking and extend this support for other API projects that help support local media ecosystems.
Pacific News Service
General support for organization.