To support More in Common’s November 4th Project to help decrease polarization and to advance the norms of belonging in anticipation of the 2020 presidential election.
Grant Status: Completed
National Association of Black Journalists
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is executing its new Strategic Plan 2017-2020. In an effort to help leverage opportunities from the wealth of information derived from the plan, this grant will support partial funding for operational support to secure NABJ’s infrastructure.
Georgetown University
The purpose of this grant is to provide a portion of the initial funding for the forthcoming Institute for Constitutional Accountability and Protection at Georgetown University’s law school. The Institute will draw on expert litigators, savvy litigation strategy, and the constitutional scholarship of Georgetown to vindicate individuals’ rights and protect America’s constitutional way of life.
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to support NAACP-Legal Defense Fund’s (“LDF”) Police Reform Campaign. For this project, LDF will employ litigation, research, technology, and data strategies to advance reforms at the local, state, and national levels.
Business Forward Foundation
To organize business leaders and earned media, in specific areas, to educate the public and policymakers about the importance of respecting and protecting vulnerable communities.
University of Chicago
University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy will host a conference and a series of supporting meetings and events featuring a bipartisan cohort of political consultants and academic leaders. These gatherings will focus on discussing and finding potential solutions to the political polarization that negatively impacts the ability of Congress to function. The Grantee will also conduct research to support these convenings.
National Network for Youth
The purpose of this grant is to support wellness and healing for frontline staff at National Network for Youth, and to learn about strategies, resources, and needs in the field.
Montclair State University Foundation, Inc.
To support the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University Foundation, Inc.’s New Jersey News Commons project. As part of this grant, Center for Cooperative Media will support the local news ecosystem in New Jersey by providing various resources and support, such as training, collaboration support, and research.
Interfaith Youth Core
To support Interfaith Youth Core’s Alumni Fellowship Program. The organization will provide fellowships to at least five individuals from their alumni network to create innovative new interfaith civic engagement projects focused on promoting pluralism in their communities.
Federation of American Scientists
The Federation of American Scientists’ Congressional Science Policy Initiative strengthens connections between the scientific community and congressional policymakers. They will develop an open source, web-based application that allows scientists, engineers, and technologists to engage with congressional committees.