This grant provides general operating support for Trinity Forum.
Grant Status: Completed
Healthy Democracy Fund
The purpose of this grant is to continue our support of Healthy Democracy Fund as they enter a new phase, and seek to build out an online infrastructure for the replication and adoption of CIR in new areas with more ease.
Pepperdine University
The School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University will host a colloquium and public event on renewing American conservatism that will feature top academics, activists, and political scientists from around the country. Participants will discuss the future of the conservative movement in the United States resulting in dozens of essays on “the way forward” for the conservative movement and a conference in year 2.
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies Inc.
Democracy Fund will support The Joint Center’s efforts to identify, screen, and counsel African-American candidates for jobs in the U.S. Congress.
Voice of San Diego
This is a general operating grant to support Voice of San Diego’s work providing critical local reporting to the citizens of their region.
The Miami Foundation Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to establish The News Match Fund for Nonprofit News at Miami Foundation. The Fund is a collaboration between Knight Foundation and Democracy Fund that supports a matching gifts program designed to encourage donations to nonprofit newsrooms and expand the capacity of nonprofit journalism to build their small donor base.
National Immigration Law Center
To support litigation and legal services around the Muslim Ban and other immigration policies that impact MASA communities as well as Latino and other immigrant communities
Asian Law Caucus
To support direct litigation, legal services work, and to develop multi-lingual know-your-rights materials that can be delivered in MASA community centers.
University System of New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Listens program at the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey School of Public Policy will partner with the Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation at Georgetown University to design and execute a demonstration project of a digital version of a congressional committee hearing.
Free Press
To support Free Press in their work to create a new deal for the digital age with a focus on racial and gender equity. This grant will advance the work of Change the Terms, a coalition co-founded and co-led by Free Press, in organizing stakeholders from civil society, government, and technology to hold platforms accountable through a public-facing campaign aimed at pressuring companies to make changes on a range of issues, including content moderation and advertising policies.