Internews Network

The Listening Post Collective, a project of Internews, uses strategy and capacity building for local and community news primarily led by and serving Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, to build engaged and trusted journalism. Their programs focus on news deserts and place-based community media systems.

The University of Texas at Austin

The Solidarity Journalism project, housed at the Center for Media Engagement at the University of Texas at Austin, conducts research and provides trainings to reporters on Solidarity Journalism, which centers communities that have been historically excluded or harmed by journalism’s portrayal of them.

Pillars Fund

To support Pillars Fund’s Culture Change Project, in partnership with Pop Culture Collaborative. They have developed the American Muslim Pop Culture Cohort and curriculum and will now advance their work even further. 

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.

The NAACP-Legal Defense Fund’s (“LDF”) Police Reform Campaign employs litigation, research, technology, and data strategies to advance police reforms at the local, state, and national levels.

New America Foundation

The New Models of Policy Change project, in the Political Reform Program, at New America Foundation supports work on community resilience against right wing extremism and growing political violence.

Millions of Conversations, Inc.

Millions of Conversations is a movement to transcend divides and bring Americans together through common values to create a shared future. Using Truth & Reconciliation work, they challenge narratives that stigmatize our fellow Americans, disrupt intolerance before it takes root, and help heal communities so all Americans may experience a sense of belonging.

Asian Law Caucus

To support direct litigation and legal services work, and to strengthen and expand multilingual know your rights materials that can be delivered to MASA and immigrant communities through Asian Law Caucus’s National Security & Civil Rights work.

National Immigration Law Center

To support litigation and legal services to support targeted communities, particularly immigrant, refugee, and MASA communities.   

Rural Digital Youth Resiliency Project Inc.

Rural Digital Youth Resiliency conducts data collection and analysis to document and analyze the networks and strategies used to expose, recruit, and radicalize white youth in the Appalachian region in order to determine opportunities for intervention.

Center for American Progress

The Center for American Progress’s Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative’s project, “Exploring the Wisdom Traditions Behind Progressive Faith Movements” will include a convening of faith leaders and movement builders (to be conducted virtually, if needed) in 2020 to develop shared language and a common vision on progressive faith leadership, as well as publication of their findings.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036