Shoulder to Shoulder, a fiscally sponsored project of The National Religious Campaign Against Torture, trains faith and community leaders to address Islamophobia in their communities.
Grant Status: Completed
More in Common Inc.
More in Common’s three-part research strategy seeks to understand the challenges around American identity, civic and cultural norms, race, polarization, and violence mitigation. They will identify messaging and approaches that resonate with a majority of Americans.
New Georgia Project Incorporated
New Georgia Project (NGP) builds power with and increases the civic participation of the New Georgia Majority — Black, Latinx, AAPI, and young Georgians — and other historically marginalized communities through nonpartisan voter registration, organizing, and advocacy on the issues important to our communities.
The Georgia Coalition for the Peoples Agenda Inc
To provide general operating support for the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda.
Chalkbeat Inc.
Votebeat is a nonpartisan news organization covering local election administration and voting access year-round.
Fair Elections Center
Fair Elections Center delivers nonpartisan, creative solutions to make the processes of voter registration, voting, and election administration as accessible as possible for every American, with a special focus on student and underrepresented voters.
National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators
The mission of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators is to be the foremost organization serving and representing the interests of Hispanic state legislators from all states. The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) is organizing the first joint meeting of the Quad Caucus.
National Security Archive Fund Inc
Founded in 1985 by journalists and historians, and based at the George Washington University, the National Security Archive provides highly credible, evidence-based, award-winning investigative journalism, scholarship, and openness advocacy.
American Oversight, Inc.
American Oversight is a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that uses public records requests backed by litigation to fight corruption, drive accountability, and defend democracy. They believe transparency is a critical tool to promote integrity in government and to protect justice, truth, and the rule of law.
To support the Center for Responsive Politics’ Foreign Lobby Watch Database. The Center will extract and analyze data from reports filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) to reveal the relationships and lobbying activity of foreign governments, companies, and individuals.