This grant will support initial research into the surveillance, experimentation, and persuasion capabilities of platforms such as Facebook and Google and the ways we can prevent or mitigate the use of these capabilities by authoritarians. The initial funding will support the development of a plan for an academic center devoted to these issues as well as the hiring of research support staff for the primary investigator.
Grant Status: Completed
And She Could Be Next LLC
This grant supports impact campaign activities for And She Could Be Next, a documentary series celebrating women of color in leadership. The campaign aims to inspire and encourage the participation of young, more diverse, and politically skeptical American audiences in civic and democratic life.
Alternative Newsweekly Foundation
The Alternative Newsweekly Foundation, the National Newspaper Publishers Association, National Association of Hispanic Publishers and others are collaborating on a “Marshall Plan” for community media. Their goal is digital transformation and long term sustainability of critical community publishers, especially those led by people of color and serving diverse communities in the U.S.
Inner-City Muslim Action Network
Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) was established with the goal of addressing structural and systemic injustices in inner-city communities by employing integrative holistic interventions. These include support services in: healthcare, ReEntry, arts access, community engagement and safety as well as inter-generational organizing and advocacy.
Trustees of Princeton University
The Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) is a non-partisan research initiative that tracks and mitigates political violence in the United States. BDI supports efforts to grow and build local community resilience through elections and other periods of heightened risk, laying a foundation for longer-term work to bridge the divides we face as a nation.
Trustees of Princeton University
The Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) is a non-partisan research initiative that tracks and mitigates political violence in the United States. BDI supports efforts to grow and build local community resilience through elections and other periods of heightened risk, laying a foundation for longer-term work to bridge the divides we face as a nation.
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) as it conducts research, raises awareness, and works with partners to enable more understanding of the American Muslim community.
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
To support the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding’s (ISPU) collaboration with the Pulitzer Center on covering the American Muslims confidently, creatively, and fairly.
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
To provide general operating support for the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding as they seek to continue to conduct research around the American Muslim community, the challenges the communities face, and to produce a series of online training for media professionals that are covering issues effecting the community.
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating support for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) as it conducts research, raises awareness, and works with partners to better understand the American Muslim community.