Center for American Progress

The Center for American Progress’s Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative’s project, “Exploring the Wisdom Traditions Behind Progressive Faith Movements” will include a convening of faith leaders and movement builders (to be conducted virtually, if needed) in 2020 to develop shared language and a common vision on progressive faith leadership, as well as publication of their findings.

Shoulder to Shoulder

Shoulder to Shoulder, a fiscally sponsored project of The National Religious Campaign Against Torture, trains faith and community leaders to address Islamophobia in their communities.

100% Democracy

100% Democracy, a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, is an initiative dedicated to reimagining voting as both a fundamental right and a civic responsibility, with every eligible citizen required to participate in this most fundamental act of self-governance.

More in Common Inc.

More in Common’s three-part research strategy seeks to understand the challenges around American identity, civic and cultural norms, race, polarization, and violence mitigation. They will identify messaging and approaches that resonate with a majority of Americans.

Chalkbeat Inc.

Votebeat is a nonpartisan news organization covering local election administration and voting access year-round.

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators

The mission of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators is to be the foremost organization serving and representing the interests of Hispanic state legislators from all states. The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) is organizing the first joint meeting of the Quad Caucus.

URL Media Holdings Inc

URL Media, a fiscally sponsored project of the Journalism Funding Partners, builds and supports a network of Black and Brown led newsrooms to harness their collective power and content for distribution, sustainability, and audience growth.

Business Forward Foundation

To activate Business Forward’s network of business leaders across the U.S. to protect the rule of law. This grant will support their efforts to identify, train, and support leaders who will speak in favor of the rule of law and who will be prepared to push back against attacks on democratic norms or institutions. 

Center for a New American Security Inc.

The Center for New American Security’s project will engage a task force of experts to inform the development of policy recommendations to be published alongside policy explainers that examine the scope of the Dept. of Homeland Security’s mission.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036