
Learning From Digital Democracy Initiative Grantees

November 21, 2022

Democracy Fund’s Digital Democracy Initiative (DDI) and its grantees have been radically reimagining platform accountability and media policy through strategies at the intersection of advocacy, public will building, and litigation.

To support this work, the team’s evaluation and learning partner, ORS Impact, conducted learning conversations with DDI grantees in July and August 2022 to understand:

  • How advocacy grantees are planning for and adapting their strategies to shifts in Congressional leadership and/or agency nominations e.g., FTC, FCC)
  • What research grantees are learning about effectively integrating research into advocacy/organizing work

This report summarizes findings across the learning conversations and highlights feedback for Democracy Fund and philanthropy more broadly.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036