To support the work of Common Cause New York in conducting nonpartisan research and public education regarding establishing Automatic Voter Registration for New York State. This research and education is part of Common Cause’s broader efforts to make registration and voting secure, fair, and accessible for all eligible New Yorkers.
Program Area: Elections and Voting
One Voice Inc.
To support One Voice’s efforts to build relationships with election clerks, conduct research on potential cost savings associated with online voter registration, and build capacity among the coalition of organizations in Mississippi working on elections issues.
The University of Texas at Austin
To provide support for message testing research to combat destructive narratives about trust in elections.
Take Back Our Republic Inc
Take Back Our Republic (TBOR) gives concerned citizens a voice on money in politics. Their activities include research and education to return political power to individuals.
Nonprofit Vote
The purpose of this grant is to support Nonprofit VOTE’s continued coordination of National Voter Registration Day. Nonprofit VOTE will work to recruit and empower local partners to register voters within their communities, while simultaneously launching a national media campaign to amplify those efforts.
Future of California Elections
This grant will support the Future of California Elections (FoCE), a fiscally sponsored project of Community Partners, in conducting network-building work around California Motor Voter and Voters Choice Act implementation.
Issue One
To provide general support to Issue One (formerly Fund for the Republic).
Committee for Economic Development
Provide two year grant support to the Committee for Economic Development to run a project to get business leaders more engaged in the money in politics discussion.
The project will create greater understanding and transparency on how political giving affects the universe of viable candidates, in hopes of developing messaging strategies that draw attention to the key role major campaign funders have in citizen ability to shape electoral bodies and therefore eventual policy.
Democracy Works Inc.
To provide state and local election administrators with a common location for reporting mail system problems and allowing that information to give a comprehensive picture on the scope of problems across the country.