This grant will provide support to Texas Civil Rights Project’s (TCRP) High School Voter Registration Project. This grant will provide TCRP with support to continue its work with the Secretary of State, high schools, voter registrars, and other relevant stakeholders to improve compliance in this area. TCRP will build important relationships between these entities while encouraging compliance with the law.
Program Area: Elections and Voting
Win | Win Network
To support the Win/Win coalition’s efforts around automatic voter registration implementation in Washington state.
Common Cause Education Fund
To support Common Cause Massachusetts’ work on automatic voter registration implementation.
Center for Technology and Civic Life
To provide general operating support to the Center for Technology and Civic Life.
Center for Internet Security Inc.
The Center for Internet Security’s (CIS) Election Security Best Practices team will develop security-focused tools and guidance for election officials and election technology providers.
Committee for Economic Development
The Committee for Economic Development will conduct research on the attitudes of business leaders about campaign finance reform.
Democracy Works Inc.
TurboVote looks for low-cost ways to increase civic engagement and voting.
Dēmos: A Network for Ideas and Action LTD
Demos will conduct research on the level of state compliance with the motor voter provision of the National Voter Registration Act.
Democracy Works Inc.
To provide support for the ongoing development and maintenance of a website that provides the election administration community with unfiltered news and information, communicates innovation, and fosters information sharing across jurisdictions.
Center for Civic Design
The purpose of this grant is to provide general operating capacity for Center for Civic Design, a key (and overlooked) player in the elections field. Center for Civic Design supports many of our grantees and other organizations we work with. It needs assistance to expand its work this election year, which includes designing election materials, experimentation, and usability testing.