The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Democracy Project will continue their efforts to promote the Presidential Commission on Election Administration’s recommendations. These recommendations are meant to improve the quality of our elections.
Program Area: Elections and Voting
League of Women Voters Education Fund
To support the League of Women Voters Education Fund with funding to conduct a one-year assessment of the organization’s structure, processes, people and engagement, and alignment and culture. This would be the first of at least a three-year organizational change process, focused on assessing the LWVEF’s strengths and assets as well as our weaknesses and liabilities in advancing our goal of becoming an even more relevant and high-impact organization.
University of Maryland Foundation Inc.
To provide project support to the Center for Public Policy and Private Enterprise at the University of Maryland, which will conduct extensive research into the current and future election cybersecurity issues faced in the State of Maryland.
The Campaign Legal Center, Inc.
The Campaign Legal Center is convening and producing a report identifying legal deterrents to foreign influence in U.S. elections. The panel and report will explore questions of how current law addresses foreign influence in the system, vulnerabilities in the current laws, and potential solutions.
Fair Elections Center
This grant will provide support for growth and visibility of the website, which is a site designed to collect and centralize poll worker information and applications from several jurisdictions, making it easier for local election officials and potential poll workers to connect and fill Election Day positions.
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc.
The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Elections Project will convene three task forces focused on different aspects of the elections process to develop updated recommendations to address challenges in election administration, as well as identify ongoing gaps where states have yet to adopt PCEA recommendations.
University of Southern California
The California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) at the University of Southern California will design, release, and host the Vote Center Siting Tool in three states: Colorado, Arizona, and Texas. The development of the tool in these three states will help election officials make informed decisions about where to locate polling places and how to better target other services to the voters and potential voters they serve.
Common Cause Education Fund
To support Common Cause Education Fund’s efforts in Hawaii to increase nonpartisan voter turnout and engagement. Common Cause will use core strategies such as creating a narrative around the importance of voting rooted in Hawaiian values and culture; leveraging local leaders and technology platforms to spread this narrative; and promoting good election reform practices to help make voting more accessible and increase civic engagement throughout the state.
State Voices
State Voices is national civic engagement organization focused on building capacity at the state and local level. This grant supports their work to make voting more inclusive and accessible.
Democracy Works Inc.
Democracy Works’ Voting Information Project, How to Vote, & Ballot Scout programs address voting and election administration issues brought about or exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic.