National Conference on Citizenship

Project Redesign at the National Conference on Citizenship supports EL-ISAC’s work to increase information security capabilities among local election officials through recommendations, tools, and metrics that can be used to evaluate their messaging’s success.

Democracy Docket Legal Fund

Democracy Docket Legal Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of the Hopewell Fund, works to detect and combat suppressive voting laws and practices through litigation.

Safe Voting Fund

The Safe Voting Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, centralizes and shares resources on issues such as educational efforts for policymakers on the importance of updates to voting systems in a COVID-environment and funding state-specific implementation programs.

NALEO Educational Fund

NALEO Educational Fund’s non-partisan voter education aims to ensure Latino voters are equipped with the information and tools necessary to engage in the 2020 election.

Common Cause Education Fund

Common Cause Education Fund is a major organization supporting civic reform in the U.S., working for improvements in both election administration and campaign finance. At the national level, they are a major player in shaping conversations around voting and participation rights. Their strong state chapters continue to build local coalitions for many of the reforms that the Democracy Fund believes can strengthen our democracy. 

URI Foundation & Alumni Engagement

The purpose of this grant is to implement the election line allocation tools created by the Voting Technology Project, as recommended by the Rhode Island Board of Elections Task Force.

Center for Secure and Modern Elections

The Institute for Responsive Government at the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, is a public policy hub of policy experts, fellows, and advisory board members to drive research, policy recommendations, press engagement, and more.

Democratizing Philanthropy Project

The #PowerProgress campaign is a unique collaboration between philanthropy, nonprofits, and the Democratizing Philanthropy Project that is part program, part capacity building, and part public awareness. The campaign will support dozens of historically excluded frontline organizations working in their communities on critical issues.

Election Reformers Network Inc

To support a research project examining the conflicts that occur when the individual responsible for administering a state’s elections (in most states, the secretary of state) competes for elected office or publicly supports a competing candidate or party. Election Reformers Network will disseminate its research and findings through speaking engagements and a range of publications, including a statement of ethical standards and draft policy recommendations.

The Equity Alliance

The Equity Alliance is the leading Black-led grassroots organization in Tennessee promoting intentional, unapologetic, innovative, and culturally relevant year-round civic engagement among Black communities, while providing their communities with the tools and knowledge they need to be self-determining and create sustainable change.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036