The Local Election Officials (LEO Survey) is a project created in partnership between the Elections and Voting Information Center (EVIC) at Reed College and team and Portland State University’s Center for Public Service. This grant supports the design, administration, analysis, and dissemination of findings from the sixth survey.
Program Area: Elections and Voting
Public Rights Project
Public Rights Project’s Voting Rights and State Abuse of Power program is a rapid response litigation hub supporting a corps of 200 election officials across 12+ states. They provide training, technical assistance and legal backup to election administrators to enable them to quickly and effectively respond to election threats.
American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education
The ABA Task Force for American Democracy works to safeguard the integrity and non-partisan administration of elections, provide support for election workers and officials, educate Americans on democracy and the rule of law — and their importance to our everyday lives — and suggest ideas to the American people for improving and strengthening our democracy and our elections.
Defending Democracy Together Institute
The Pillars of the Community Project, which is part of the Defending Democracy Together Institute (DDTI), bolsters local and state election officials in key counties and states in their defense of the electoral process and the election administrators who make it work.
Free Election Fund
Free Election Fund is a 501(c)(3) fiscally sponsored project of Hopewell Fund that uses litigation to protect the right of all citizens to participate fully in our democratic process and safeguard our free and fair elections.
Informing Democracy Education Fund
Informing Democracy brings together election professionals, researchers, and lawyers who are providing research and information about what happens in election administration after votes are cast. They are building a central repository of research and information about how votes are counted and elections are certified in order to protect the integrity of our elections.
ISRC Education Fund
The Independent Strategic Research Collaborative Education Fund (ISRC), a fiscally sponsored project of the New Venture Fund, provides research, messaging development, and research and communications alignment to the pro-democracy movement. Their work includes facilitating convening spaces for leaders to share intel, strategy, messaging guidance, and calls to action.
ISRC Education Fund
The Independent Strategic Research Collaborative Education Fund (ISRC), a fiscally sponsored project of the New Venture Fund, provides research, messaging development, and research and communications alignment to the pro-democracy movement. Their work includes facilitating convening spaces for leaders to share intel, strategy, messaging guidance, and calls to action.