Reinvent Albany will convene a group of technology and policy experts to produce a report that recommends how New York State could use technology to modernize compliance and reporting of campaign finance contributions under a proposed small-donor matching system.
Program Area: Elections and Voting
Meridian Institute
The Meridian Institute will assess the feasibility of finding common ground solutions to address problems related to the regulation of money in our political system.
Take Back Our Republic Inc
Take Back Our Republic (TBOR) focuses on giving concerned conservatives a voice on campaign finance reform issues. Their activities include: research, education, and advocacy to return political power to individuals.
Center for Technology and Civic Life
The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) focuses on three areas: training local governments on technology to enhance engagement with their communities, developing low to no cost tools for governmental use, and helping develop infrastructure to evaluate interactions between citizens and government.
National Conference of State Legislatures
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) will define and explain existing funding structures used for running fair, efficient and accurate elections and will seek out additional funding concepts for comparison.
Civic Hall Labs, Inc.
The purpose of this grant is to help fund a Civic Hall Imagination Fellow at Civic Hall Labs.
Common Cause Education Fund
Common Cause Education Fund (CCEF) is a national organization supporting civic reform in the U.S., working for improvements in both election administration and campaign finance. At the national level, they are a key player in shaping conversations around voting. Leverage their 35 state offices and national membership, they continue to build local coalitions around many of the reforms that the Democracy Fund believes can strengthen our democracy.
Democracy Works Inc.
Democracy Works and their subdivision of TurboVote explores low-cost ways to increase civic engagement and voting through new civic technology and improving processes and data. Their aim is to make voting easier through use of technology and support for elections administrators and voters.
President and Fellows of Harvard College
This grant will support the Defending Digital Democracy Project at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
The Reed Institute
The purpose of this grant is to provide funding for the Reed 2018 CCES team module, which is a survey that captures the public’s opinions about election administration and voting.