100% Democracy

100% Democracy, a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, is an initiative dedicated to reimagining voting as both a fundamental right and a civic responsibility, with every eligible citizen required to participate in this most fundamental act of self-governance.

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators

The mission of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators is to be the foremost organization serving and representing the interests of Hispanic state legislators from all states. The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) is organizing the first joint meeting of the Quad Caucus.

National Center for Family Philanthropy Inc

The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP)’s Democracy Learning and Action Cohort will convene trustees and senior staff decision-makers of family philanthropies to encourage philanthropic and other civic investments that have the potential to strengthen and fortify democracy and voting rights in the U.S.

Race Forward

Race Forward’s Institutional and Sectoral Change program builds resources to equip civil society to counter authoritarianism and support transnational networks of young people committed to pro-democracy movement building.

The Commonwealth Foundation Inc.

As organizers across the U.S. contend with crises that are both massive and fast-approaching, they are revisiting the core premises that have guided their methods for the last 50 years. The Commonwealth Foundation is researching the evolution of progressive strategy over the last 100 years to write “Grassroots Strategy in the US,” documenting the craft of community organizing and the strategic needs of the progressive movement.

The Aspen Institute Inc

Aspen Digital’s AI Elections Initiative works to ensure that amid rapidly evolving technology, civic participation remains a touchstone of American democracy ahead of the 2024 elections.


Keseb, a fiscally sponsored project of the Fund for Constitutional Government, is a nonpartisan, pro-democracy nonprofit organization building transnational alliances between democracy activists and entrepreneurs to fight authoritarian ideology, demagogic political leaders, and xenophobic movements.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036