Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement

To support Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) in their efforts to promote engagement at the intersection of faith and democracy through a pilot pooled funding program — the “Faith In/ And Democracy” fund — to engage faith leaders and communities, bridge across lines of difference, and support faith-based civic engagement efforts to overcome polarization.

The Brookings Institution

The Brookings Institution is conducting research on social service partnerships between the government and faith-based organizations, and will publish and share a report that includes recommended best practices.

Louisiana State University and A&M College

To support research on radical polarization and the behaviors to lead to increased political violence in the United States and dissemination of the research through white papers and a book.

The Aspen Institute Inc

This grant will support the Inclusive America Project’s landscape analysis of the religious pluralism funding field and dissemination of the findings to inform field and the public.

Trinity Forum, Inc

To disseminate Trinity Forum’s research on the contributions Christianity can make in a pluralistic society through writing and other outreach, events, and convenings.

iCivics Inc.

This grant will support iCivics’ strategic planning efforts to coordinate a network of presidential library foundations and the National Archives Foundation to work collaboratively to establish a common set of measurement tools, support opportunities to develop joint civics programming, and explore a national communications strategy to promote and enhance civic education. 

Georgetown University

The purpose of this grant is to support the “Constructive Voices for the Common Good” dialogue series – promoting bipartisanship and civility in public life – hosted by the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life (“the Initiative”) based at Georgetown University. The Initiative will lead one major event in Washington, D.C. and multiple smaller events focused on Latino leaders and young professionals during the grant period.

Congressional Management Foundation

This grant supports the Congressional Management Foundation’s ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts as an organization in 2020.

Pepperdine University

The School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University will host a colloquium and public event on renewing American conservatism that will feature top academics, activists, and political scientists from around the country. Participants will discuss the future of the conservative movement in the United States resulting in dozens of essays on “the way forward” for the conservative movement and a conference in year 2. 

University of Chicago

University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy will host a conference and a series of supporting meetings and events featuring a bipartisan cohort of political consultants and academic leaders. These gatherings will focus on discussing and finding potential solutions to the political polarization that negatively impacts the ability of Congress to function. The Grantee will also conduct research to support these convenings.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036