Local Independent Online News Publishers Inc.

The purpose of this grant is to support the sustainability of news publishers with training and education from the Local Independent Online News Publishers (LION). For this project, LION will create a pilot program to help educate independent publishers on sustainability to support a healthy local news ecosystem.

Santa Fe Community Foundation

The New Mexico Local News Fund at the Santa Fe Community Foundation is working to create a healthy news and information ecosystem that serves the news and information needs of all New Mexicans.

Colorado Media Project

The Colorado Media Project supports people and organizations working to build a more connected, collaborative and sustainable local news and information ecosystem in Colorado.

Colorado Seminary

TheColorado Media Project (CMP), within University of Denver’s Project X-ITE, is an ecosystem-level convener, facilitator, and coordinator. They bring capacity-building expertise and support to local news outlets as they work to address the local news and information needs of all Coloradans now and in the future.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036