Center for New Democratic Processes

To support the Jefferson Center’s Your Voice Ohio program, which brings together local media and community members to generate creative solutions on shifting media narratives in the state and better engaging audiences. 

Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism CUNY Foundation, Inc.

The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism’s Center for Community and Ethnic Media (CCEM) will focus on expanding its role from a resource center and advocate for New York City-based community and ethnic media to a national hub for outlets serving ethnic, minority, and immigrant communities.


Hearken’s Election SOS project, a fiscally sponsored project of the American Press Institute, provides training, coaching, and capacity support to journalists for more engaged, trusted, and responsive elections coverage in 2022.

West Virginia University Foundation, Inc.

To support critical data collection and analysis by West Virginia University’s Reed College of Media to document and analyze the networks and strategies being used to expose, recruit, and radicalize white youth in the Appalachian region in order to determine opportunities for intervention.

National Association of Black Journalists

This is a general operating grant to the National Association of Black Journalists that will build organizational capacity to continue their support of members through trainings, networking, and scholarship opportunities, while holding the media accountable for recruitment and retention of black journalists as well as their portrayals of the black community through media narratives. 

Louisiana State University and A&M College

To conduct an academic study that advances knowledge on gender equity in journalistic practice. This research will target both the mechanisms of gender bias in use of expert sources in reporting and potential interventions, and report on the outcomes.

Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism CUNY Foundation, Inc.

The Center for Community Media (CCM) at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York will continue expanding its role as a national hub for outlets serving minority and immigrant communities and advocating for greater investment in community media overall.

Journalism & Women Symposium

The Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) is expanding their regional programming and diversifying their membership to support their mission to empower and grow the number of women in journalism.

Outlier Media

Outlier Media, a fiscally sponsored project of MuckRock Foundation, Inc., is a trailblazing newsroom in Detroit whose strategy of identifying and serving community needs is a model for engaged journalism practice. Outlier also serves as an Ecosystem Builder by sharing resources, strategy, learning, and systems with peers in other cities.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036