The Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.

The primary purpose of this grant is to expand the use of CIR’s Impact Tracker in the United States, so that news outlets can better monitor their role in their community. The grant will also support a budding partnership with local outlets in Chicago and a set of opportunities to promote diversity within the ranks of investigative reporters.

Georgia News Lab

Georgia News Lab, a fiscally sponsored project of the Institute for Nonprofit News, sustains and diversifies investigative newsrooms by training a new generation of diverse journalists across Georgia through high-impact partnerships with local newsrooms.

American Press Institute

The Trusting News project works with journalists across the country to develop, test, and implement strategies in reporting and publishing that builds trust with audiences.

The University of Texas at Austin

This grant supports the work and experimentation of the Engaging News Project and in so doing will raise the knowledge across industry of news engagement practices that are COMMERCIALLY-VIABLE and DEMOCRATICALLY-BENEFICIAL.

American Press Institute

The purpose of this general support grant is to continue to develop the research led innovation approach API has used in its work on fact checking and extend this support for other API projects that help support local media ecosystems.

Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism CUNY Foundation, Inc.

The Center for Community and Ethnic Media (CCEM) will undergo a strategic planning process and support new leadership as it develops into a national hub for ethnic media. CCEM will add depth and national scope to its efforts with news and information outlets serving ethnic, minority and immigrant communities.

University of Oregon Foundation

The purpose of this grant is to support the University of Oregon School of Journalism’s Agora Journalism Center to create workshops to strengthen the community of practice of Engaged Journalism. This grant builds on Knight’s larger grant that supports building a web-tool, with our emphasis on creating robust connections within the field.

Healthy Democracy Fund

The purpose of this grant is to continue our support of Healthy Democracy Fund as they enter a new phase, and seek to build out an online infrastructure for the replication and adoption of CIR in new areas with more ease. 

National Association of Black Journalists

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is executing its new Strategic Plan 2017-2020. In an effort to help leverage opportunities from the wealth of information derived from the plan, this grant will support partial funding for operational support to secure NABJ’s infrastructure.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036