Convergence Center for Policy Resolution

Convergence Center for Policy Resolution will create and convene a Roundtable on transforming the civil service to meet the needs of the 21st century. The Roundtable will be an incubator for different groups and stakeholders to share ideas about how to transform the system and attract, retain, and develop talented and diverse career public servants.

Center for a New American Security Inc.

The Center for New American Security’s project will engage a task force of experts to inform the development of policy recommendations to be published alongside policy explainers that examine the scope of the Dept. of Homeland Security’s mission.

Business Forward Foundation

To activate Business Forward’s network of business leaders across the U.S. to protect the rule of law. This grant will support their efforts to identify, train, and support leaders who will speak in favor of the rule of law and who will be prepared to push back against attacks on democratic norms or institutions. 


To support the Center for Responsive Politics’ Foreign Lobby Watch Database. The Center will extract and analyze data from reports filed under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) to reveal the relationships and lobbying activity of foreign governments, companies, and individuals. 

American Oversight, Inc.

American Oversight is a nonpartisan, nonprofit watchdog that uses public records requests backed by litigation to fight corruption, drive accountability, and defend democracy. They believe transparency is a critical tool to promote integrity in government and to protect justice, truth, and the rule of law.

National Security Archive Fund Inc

Founded in 1985 by journalists and historians, and based at the George Washington University, the National Security Archive provides highly credible, evidence-based, award-winning investigative journalism, scholarship, and openness advocacy.

Open the Government, a fiscally sponsored project of the Fund for Constitutional Government, strengthens its partners in the field by training organizations and individuals on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other tools for government openness, serves as a network hub for the government transparency community, and conducts its own research into government wrongdoing. 


The 65 Project, an initiative within LawWorks, a fiscally sponsored project of the Franklin Education Forum, works to increase the adoption of ethics best practices by lawyers and state bar associations.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036