Press Release

Strengthening Florida’s Elections Today

February 20, 2015

Today, in Tallahassee, elections officials and experts from Florida and across the country are discussing ways to make Florida elections more efficient and fair.

The forum, “Conducting Florida Elections,” is sponsored by the Democracy Fund, and hosted by the University of Florida Department of Political Science and the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections. Panels, which are being live streamed here, will cover online voter registration, cross-state voter list matching and mail balloting. (Follow #CFEF to join the conversation.)

“We’ll be talking about improving the voting process, both from the supervisors of elections’ perspective as well as from the voters’ perspective,” according to UF associate professor of political science Michael P. McDonald, who organized the forum. “Our ultimate goal is to assist voting officials while making the experience better for voters.”

Speakers will include Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, former Florida Elections Director Donald Palmer, Pasco County Supervisor of Elections Brian Corley and Pinellas Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark. John Lindback, executive director of the Electronic Registration Information Center, and election scholars from the University of Florida, the University of Wisconsin, and Reed College in Portland, Ore., also will be featured. Panel moderators are David Becker, director of elections initiatives for the Pew Charitable Trusts and Adam Ambrogi, Democracy Fund.

The agenda is available here.

Press Release

Welcome to Betsy Wright Hawkings

January 6, 2015

The Democracy Fund is delighted to welcome Betsy Wright Hawkings as the new Program Director for our Governance Initiative, which seeks to foster dialogue across the ideological spectrum and support reforms that reduce incentives for hyper-partisanship and gridlock.

The Democracy Fund – a nonprofit foundation created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar – has committed more than $25 million in grants to organizations working to strengthen our nation’s political system over the past three years. Current grantees of the Democracy Fund’s Governance Program include the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Aspen Institute’s Congressional Program, and the Faith & Politics Institute.

With more than 25 years of experience on Capitol Hill, where she served as Chief of Staff to several members of the House of Representatives, Betsy will lead the Democracy Fund’s grant making to organizations working to build bridges across the ideological divide and seek out ways for our government to solve problems in the face of increased polarization. Recently awarded the Cresswell Congressional Staff Leadership Award from the Stennis Center for Public Service, Betsy clearly gained the respect of colleagues on both sides of aisle during her career.

I speak for the entire Democracy Fund team when I say I can’t think of a better way to start 2015 than to have Betsy join our team. We are excited to have someone of Betsy’s experience and energy lead the Governance Initiative. She is going to bring a deep and pragmatic understanding of the way Congress and the parties work – and of the challenges they face – to our efforts to support authentic, productive dialogue in our democracy.

Prior to joining the Democracy Fund, Betsy worked for two decades for her hometown congressman, Christopher Shays of Connecticut. Betsy took a leading role in helping Rep. Shays build bipartisan coalitions to balance the federal budget in 1995-96 and establish the 9-11 Commission and implement its recommendations. She also supported the enactment of the Congressional Accountability Act, a provision of the 104th Congress’ “Contract with America,” which applied labor, civil rights, and workplace safety laws to Congress.

From 1996-98, Betsy was also Deputy Director of the Congressional Management Foundation, a non-partisan organization that works directly with Members and staff to enhance their operations and interactions with constituents. Betsy oversaw day-to-day operations of the Foundation and developed numerous guides and resources that provide Members with critical information, from how to establish and run Washington and district offices to best practices for setting strategic priorities over the course of a term.

Following Shays’ departure from Congress in 2008, Betsy left the Hill briefly to work for Amnesty International, where she was Managing Director of Government Relations and then Deputy Executive Director for Advocacy, Policy, and Research. She returned to Congress to lead the staffs of Congressmen Mike Turner and later Bobby Schilling of Illinois before signing on as Congressman Andy Barr’s chief of staff in 2012.

Betsy is a graduate of Williams College, where she was named a Mead Scholar of American Studies, and is a founder of the Form of 1981 Memorial Fund at her alma mater, Groton School, to support student financial aid. She and her husband, David, live in Washington with their two sons.

Press Release

Welcome Aboard to Adam Ambrogi

Democracy Fund
March 19, 2013

The Democracy Fund team is excited to welcome Adam Ambrogi to the organization. Adam will be leading our work to create a more responsive political system with a focus on our campaign finance system and election administration processes.

Adam is a perfect addition to the team. He most recently worked as Chief Counsel for the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, where he worked on a wide range of issues related to election law, campaign finance, and legal matters facing the administration of the Senate. Adam was the lead staffer for the Rules Committee on passage of the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act, worked on the DISCLOSE Act of 2012, and led the committee’s legal team in examining and making changes to the Senate Rules related to the filibuster. Before working at the Senate, Adam served as Special Assistant and Counsel for Commissioner Ray Martinez of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission where he helped establish its policies and procedures to build that organization, including the Help America Vote College Program. You’ll be hearing more from Adam after he gets his feet on the ground. Over the coming weeks, he’ll begin working with many of our existing portfolio organizations, like our three grantees who are conducting research on our campaign finance system, the Campaign Finance Institute, the Committee for Economic Development, and the Meridian Institute.

Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036