Voting Power

Participating in Equitable Elections

American democracy is strongest when communities of color have the power to participate in civic life, vote, and advocate for change. All people in the United States deserve the power to participate in the voting system and elect leaders who represent their needs.

Amplifying Voters’ Voices

Since its inception, our election system has intentionally prevented people with historically marginalized identities from participating equally and fully. In service of an inclusive, multiracial democracy, we work to advance an election system that centers the voices of voters who have been systemically oppressed.

In a reimagined system, structural changes are needed to build a democracy that does not allow minority rule to govern.

The Voting Power Initiative invests in:

  • State and local organizing groups that build power in their communities, particularly communities of color
  • Voting rights work at the national level that supports grassroots organizing and state elections work
  • Long-term structural changes that address the inequities at our voting system’s core

Explore Our Other Elections and Voting Initiatives

Elections and Voting strategies promote an election system that consistently produces trusted results, fairly represents the majority of voters, and makes equitable participation possible.

Resilient Elections

Election administrators are the last line of defense against abuse of power in our government.

Learn more about this effort
Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036