Representative Institutions

Fulfilling the Promise of “One Person, One Vote”

For centuries, Americans have organized and mobilized to build a more inclusive, multiracial democracy. Despite much progress, our political system remains grounded in historical compromises to protect the interests of elites and slave-holding states. Further progress is needed to channel the demands of an increasingly diverse and inclusive society into representative government.

Our current unjust system fuels distrust in our democracy and erodes our government’s ability to represent all voices. For example, institutions like our Electoral College and Senate normalize minority rule and give less-populated states outsized power, while our winner-take-all election systems disempower communities of color and stifle fair competition.


Long-Term, Trans-formational Change

To move toward a more representative system that provides an equal voice for all Americans, we need to reimagine the design of our institutions and election systems at the federal, state, and local levels. There is no quick fix — addressing these challenges requires a long-term approach that looks beyond incremental reforms.

The Representative Institutions Initiative invests in organizations that:

  • Advocate for transformational structural change to achieve racial justice;
  • Develop networks, resources, and expertise to advance structural change while also empowering diverse leadership working on these issues;
  • Engage, center, and organize community interests to advance structural change; and
  • Conduct research and advocate for fairer election systems that suit an increasingly diverse and inclusive society, such as proportional representation.

Our Team

Winny Chen

Associate Director, Governance


Sean Raymond

Senior Program Associate, Governance


Safa Syed

Program Associate, Governance


Explore Our Other Governance Initiatives

Governance strategies seek to strengthen our democratic system to respond to abuse and prevent future political violence.


Preventing Authoritarian Abuse of Power

To protect our democracy from authoritarian threats, we work to strengthen legal guardrails, build more resilient institutions, and bolster accountability measures to prevent future abuses.


Learn more about this effort

State and Local Accountability

State and local government abuses of power disproportionately impact communities of color and other systemically opppressed groups. We invest in pro-democracy organizers, advocates, and networks focused on these abuses and who have long been under-resourced in their fight for accountability.

Learn more about this effort
Democracy Fund
1200 17th Street NW Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20036